Saturday, August 21, 2010

Preparing the rice for market

The ladies from the Kpeletayama Village thrashing the rice separating the rice from the shaft. This is from the rice crop grown near the village, which will feed the orphans in foster care, along with the people of the village. They were also hoping to transport some of the rice to market to bring in some money, but of course we are awaiting a truck to answer this need.

The rice waiting to be bagged.
The rice that is bagged, ready for market. By the time they are finished there will be 300 to 400 bags of rice. Please do not underestimate your contribution towards the truck that will enable them to bring this rice to market. It is truly a life changing contribution, to so many lives. I would encourage you to also take part in advocating on the behalf of these people who have so little.

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