The ultimate goal of this project is to break the cycle of poverty that is crippling Liberia today. Once implemented, this project will affect hundreds to thousands of women and children's lives. Please help us in bringing hope to a community with nothing.
-Solving the problem of lack of food (farming projects), which in turn prevents many birth defects and disabilities that are caused during pregnancy due to lack of proper nourishment of the mother.
-Educating the orphans and street children who would otherwise not have access to schooling (with a school that is supported by the sale of swamp rice).
-Generating an income (sale of crops), which would enable them to have the money for when needs arise, such as to bring a sick child to the doctor when needed.
A heavy duty work truck is essential in making the above goals possible. Without a truck they cannot transport the crops to market, without a truck they can not bring in building supplies to build the school, without a truck they cannot transport the villagers in to work in the swamp rice.
To be implemented by Peter Flomo and Global Orphan Outreach; 501C3 accredited non-profit NGO in Liberia;